If you have begun the journey of learning how to make video games with Roblox Studio (or have been doing so for awhile), you may get an error after you first publish a game that says:
“This game may not function as intended. The developer needs to update the game.”
Here is a sample screenshot of where it appears:
You may be wondering how to fix your game and remove this error. Keep reading and I’ll provide the solution to this error.
As a test I made a brand new game with nothing in it, published it to Roblox and set it to “Public”.
Sure enough the error appeared on my main game page with the big green play button.
It has a link to explain what “Experimental Mode” is on the message.
I’ll be honest and say I’m still not 100% sure how I fixed this problem, or if my solution is a real one at all. Nevertheless, this is what I did…
Step 1: Open your game in Roblox Studio and add a spawn location
Step 2: Save and republish your game to Roblox overwriting the previous version.
Step 3: Quit Roblox Studio and go to the game’s page on Roblox. This is the link that other people would go to in order to play the game.
Step 4: Play your game just like a regular player would
Step 5: After you play for a couple minutes, go ahead and quit Roblox and then reload your game page. If all goes well the message should be gone.
I can only guess what is going on as there’s not much documentation on this. I suspect either there are real humans checking every game that is published, or perhaps it is all done automatically on their end.
It could also be that this message will not disappear until the game is played at least once.
Try this and see if it works for you. If it does and/or you know what exactly is going on with this, feel free to contact me and I’ll update this article.
Good luck!